Most expensive game to develop: GTA IV - $100,000,000

Sep 29, 2009

Arrays and Strings - Part 1/2

Some people, specially the beginners in programming, find this subject quite complex due the amount of details it has. But understand the principles and rules for using them is the basic if you want to be a programming expert (XD). Things get very difficult in C++ when you have to work with arrays and pointers together. The possibilities for errors increase and knowing how they work may help you to fix possible issues. Here I'll talk about Arrays and Strings and later I'll enter into the Pointers subject.


You can use arrays to store n elements of the the same type under one name:

type name_of_your_choice [number_of_elements]

Quite simple declaration. But let's learn how they work here:

type -> you can choose the type for entire elements in the array. If you pick integer (int), all the elements will be integers, if you choose float, you will have an array of n float elements. But you can use other type than the
fundamental's one, like if you create this struct:

struct sExample{
     int x;
     float y;
     bool choice;

and create the array sExample[10] means that each entry of the array will store an int, a float and a bool value. Other words you will have 10 integers, 10 floatings numbers and 10 booleans variables, all of them in a 10-lenght array. Also, the type you choose will determine the amount of memory that will be used to store the values. Integers, in C++/Windows x86 enviroment, uses 4 bytes or 32 bits to store a value. So Array[20] is gonna use 4x20=80 bytes in memory AND this space is reserved once you declare the array - if you don't use all the 20 entrys, you're wasting memory. The math of sExample is 10x4(int) + 10x4(float) + 10x1(bool) = 90 bytes of memory used to store the array.

name_of_your_choice -> the name of your array. You can use any name, but the reserved words of C++. Also, respect the naming rules, like don't start the name with numbers.

number_of_elements (or index) -> always come between two brackets ([ ]). It defines how many elements you want in your array. Only accept integer values like 1, 10, 100 ,500. Don't even bother to use 1.35 or 'c', it won't work :). You guys can test how many integer elements you can use in an array before the compile  give an exception message. My 2GB PC allowed me to use 320M integers - int MyArray[320000000]. Pretty huge number, that I guess I'll never use, again :) A crucial detail: The first element of an array is stored in [0], and not [1]. So the last index of a n-elements array is [n-1]!!!

You also can use multidimensional arrays. The declaration consists in add another pair of brackets after the fisrt one like this:

char myArray[10][50];

You can add as many pair of bracket as you want, but be aware that the size of the array will increase. Take a look at the math:

int hehe[10] = 10 integers  -----> 40 bytes
int hehe2[10][10] = 100 integers -----> 400 bytes
int hehe3[10][10][10] = 1,000 integers -----> 4,000 bytes

"It seems to not a problem at all, what 4,000 bytes can do anyway..."
Well, in big projects and program you have to pay attention what types and the amount of items are being used. To be considered a well-developed program - or game, one of the factor is it has to use less memory as possible, saving precious resources at realtime running. Well let's go to the part of declaring and using an array.

Note: I'm pretty sure I forgot something that I would like to mention XD

To declare an array is simple. See the examples:

int myValues[10];
char myName[25];
float myPI[50];
bool myChoice[5];
int LOL[10][15], LOL2[20];

-> You have to declare the size of the array with integer numbers or using a constant previously declared in #define or with const qualifier :

#define size 50
const int array_size = 10;
float myArray[array_size];
int noneArray[size];

To initialize the array couldn't be more simple. You have two ways:

1. int myArray[3];      // this is the "hard way"
   myArray[0] = 1;
   myArray[1] = 2;
   myArray[2] = 3;

2. int yourArray[3] = {1,2,3}     // this is the "easy way" - use of braces to declare the values!
   int yourArray[] = {1,2,3}   // here, you don't have to declare the size of the array, once you gonna define how many and what elements there will be

These ways also work for multidimensiaonal arrays. Let's use a 3x3:

int myArray[3][3];
myArray[0][0] = 1;
myArray[2][3] = 23;
myArray[1][0] = 1256;


int myArray[3][3] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 }// the assignment is done linearly. This means the first entry is [0][0], the second is [0][1], the third is [0][2] and goes on, [1][0], [1][1], [1][2], [2][0], etc...

for purpose of beaty, I like to do this:

int myArray[3][3] = { {1,2,3},

Sure, you can initialize long arrays with loops but the elements have to be in some sort of linear or geometrical progression or be result of an equation.

Now this is not allowed:

int arrayful[5];
arrayful[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; // initialize the array after declaration using this method: can't do it!

float A[5]; float B[5];
A=B;     //  perform such operation between arrays: can't do it!

Initialization Hints:
::::: You also can initialize part of the array:

int ourArray[5] = {1,2,3};

Here we initialized the first 3 elements of the array ([0][1][2]). The rest of array is set to 0 value automatically - ourArray[3] = 0
and ourArray[4] = 0;

::::: To set entire array with 0 (zero) value just do this:

int Test[500] = {0};

But putting another value different than 0 (zero), you will initialize just the first element with this value! As we saw before, the other 449 elements will be assigned with the zero value.

But how the arrays are stored in the memory buffer? Here's a didatic vision:

And this is part 1, guys.
Soon I'll post the second part, about strings and the ways to use it in C++. Cya  o/

Sep 27, 2009

game programming

If you want to enter into the world of game programming, C++ is the language you HAVE TO learn. A lot of games and engines out there are written in C or C++. Sure, there are some games that uses scripting languages like Lua for custom content creation, but for hardcore programmers, who wants to go deep into programming games, C++ is essential.

Following my studies of game programming, I'll regularly post stuff about this area, as articles about C++,  news in the games industry and when I run out of ideas, a something-related-to-games - like the previous posts about Modern Warfare 2 and Splinter Cell... :) 

cout << "See you all around!" ;

Sep 25, 2009

Stealth Assault - Splinter Cell

I made this post a long time ago but I didn't have published it, so here it goes :)

In the middle of a larger amount of shooter and sports games, born one of the most acclaimed game since Pitfall. Splinter Cell series, with 4 games released and with over 20 millions copies sold, is a stealth-based action game starring Sam Fisher, a direct rival of Solid Snake in the world of deadly spies. Despite of carrying the latest and best gadgetry, Fisher makes use of the enviroment shadow to accomplish his misson as quiet and invisible as possible.

At his first apperance, in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (2002), Sam Fischer, a reformed agent of NSA, is called back to work in a secret division called Third Echelon. His first misson was to investigate the desapperance of two CIA officers in Georgia. But he uncovers a campaign of mass murder against the neighboring muslim population of Azerbaijan waged by Gerogian president, Nikoladze.

Back to work in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow (2004), Sam Fisher is now sent to Indonesia to infiltrate the U.S. Embassy, ocupied by Suhadi Sadono - leader of Darah Dan Do, an Indonesian militia, and gather intelligence on the invasors. The U.S. Army retook the place but Sadono had fled. Also, Fisher uncovered that Sadono masterminded a project called "Pandora Tomorrow", by placing biological bombs in American soil.

Fisher returns in one more episode entitled Tom Clancys's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (2005) to investigate the location of computer programming who had worked on the Philipe Masses's algorithm (Masses appears in the first Splinter Cell). As usual, Fisher went deeper in the investigation and a world crisis, involving his old friend Douglas Shetland, an algorithm considered a superweapon, Koreas and Japan may lead to World War III.

In the lastest game released of the serie, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent (2006), Sam Fisher go on undercover assignment which requires him to pose as a criminal to infiltrate a terrorist organization based in U.S. This time, Fisher plays in both sides, in a very dangerous gray area where the line between right and wrong is blurred,  with thousands of innocents lives in the balance.

The next game of the serie, expected to release in Feb, 2010, called Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction, brings our spy agent to the next-gen consoles one more time. Sam Fisher will be back, faster and mortal than ever, in a game with new features and a non-linear missions - you can choose the way you want to accomplish them.

For the purpose of fun, I didn't' post the whole story of the game, so if you want to know, you gonna have to put the night vision goggles on, turn on your stealth mode and begin the crusade to save the world on the command of the deadly agent Sam Fisher :)




Sep 22, 2009

Upcoming War - Modern Warfare 2

This is one of the the most antecipated game of the year. Since it's first annoucement, in Q4/2008, Modern Warfare 2 is expected by an entire mass of FPS players around the world. Officially announced in Feb 11,2009, this sequal of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare returns to the hands of Infinity Ward, after the Treyarch's Call of Duty 5: World at War.

The story is set several years after the end of CoD4. Now the Russian Ultranationalist, lead by a new bad guy, Vladimir Makarov, has returned. With Vladimir's growing influence and strong power base set in Russia, forced the world community to create the Task Force 141 to counter the thread posed by the ultranationalists.

On the control of a new soldier named  Sergeant Gary "Roach" Sanderson, the player will face battles around the world, from Russia to Brazil, under the command of your known-old-friend "Soap" MacTavish, now promoted to captain of SAS.

New featues are expected in this sequal, like use of vehicles (like the snowmobile in the trailer) and the dual wielding handgun and a lot of "old" ones from MW1 will be back like weapons and multiplayer content (like favorite maps, perks, airstrikes, helicopters and UAVs). There also a few (bad and/or good) changes, but nothing that takes away the glow of MW2.

Modern Warfare 2 is set to release in November 10, 2009 worldwide.
You can pre-order now Modern Warfare 2 (PC/PS3/XBOX360), Modern Warfare 2 Hardened Edition (PS3/XBOX360) or Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition (PS3/XBOX360). I'm particulary disappointed for the special editions just for console, but maybe later they release them for PC too :)

Official Trailer:

E3 Demo:

 Multiplayer Movie by Game On:

Hello there!

Hey guys, a brand new blog is out and ready to rock :)
Right now, I'm working on the edition of this page and I'm not familiar with web coding but I'll give my best.
I'll also try to perform a daily update of interesting news that I find on Internet, this amazing big world.  Ok, now let me work here.

PS.: I like simple templates, but later, with time, I'm going to work on the visual. Hope the template helps. XD